Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So this weekend I'm going on vacation, and while I don't have beautiful vintage suitcases like these to pack with (although I Wish I did) I'm still having a packing dilemma.

My vacation will be 2 days in Portland hanging with the boy and his friends. I'm think I want mostly casual stuff, but possible a few looks that can be transformed into "night" looks too. And then we are spending 2 weeks at his families beach house. So a swimsuit and some light clothing.

Any suggestions?/Ideas?/Advice? I'll post a list once I make one (Its my goal for work today, I think, to work on this list.)

If only my AA dress would get here before then! (I doubt it, I've heard AA is notoriously slow to ship)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Oh I am in the same dilemma as you right now! I've already made my list (I'm a bit of a list freak) but definitely a bathing suit, a nice dress in case there is somewhere nice to wear it to and probably a more casual dress, shorts, comfy sneakers and sandals and a pair of nice shoes. (You never know when you might go somewhere nice!) and a skirt and shirts. I always try to pack things that are mix and matchable because 9 times out of 10 when you reach your destination you don't want to wear the outfit you had planned out in your head anymore!

I hope that helps some! Have fun in Portland!