Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Girlprops pt II

Got these two necklaces from


I finally got some heart-shaped sunglasses. I think they make me look like an alien, sadly. But I'll probably rock them anyways!

In other news, I made an awesome pair of shorts tomorrow. I'll see if I can get a pic when I wear them tomorrow :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

sailor girl....or french girl ?

I was just playing around, trying something new, so I tucked my shirt into my jeans :)

Shirt: Ross
Scarf: Nine West
Jeans: Kohls
Shoes: Payless Kids

Vintage nightgowns as dresses

So, most days I can be found stalking the wardrobe_remix photo pool, waiting for all my favorites to update and ready to make new favorites. Well, I've noticed an amazing trend going on with all these thrifty, fashionable women - they're all thrifting nightgowns to wear as dresses! What a fantastic idea!

Steen Ink looks great in everything, and her etsy store is a dream! I love her natural red hair, too, it compliments this yellow nightgown-turned-dress perfectly! I would have never guessed it was a nightgown, either...which is probably part of the magic.

I believe in Unicorns made this from a vintage nightgown, isn't it lovely?! It started its life as only seeing the sheets and inside of the house, and now it gets to go out in the world and turn heads!

Purple vintage Diane Von Furstenberg nightgown?! Where does she find this stuff? I'm so envious!

So, the real end to this blog is....I have a new section of the thrift store I never considered looking in. Now I can't wait to check it out!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I was tagged by Unwise Pedestrian! The rules to this are:

* Link the person who tagged you
* Mention the rules in your blog
* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours
* Tag six following bloggers by linking them
* Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

My Unspectacular Quirks
  1. I can actually lick my elbow. It's mostly because my elbows kind of bend weirdly, so it might be cheating but I can still do it.
  2. I've never been on an airplane.
  3. I can quote pretty much all of 'Mean Girls'
  4. I'm teaching myself how to speak Italian. I really, really want to go to Italy someday.
  5. I'm a bit of a germaphob. I carry hand sanitizer with me and use it frequently.
  6. Sometimes I snort when I laugh, which my boyfriend mocks me about constantly.

My tags are:
And anyone else who wants to do it, because I don't know who has and hasn't done it or anything, and I'm trying to expand my blogroll, so let me know :)

The outfit is of me on Saturday night. My friend took the pic with her camera phone, but I thought it turned out cute, so I thought I'd share.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Spontaneous Outfits are the best!

The best outfit ideas happen spontaneously. Like, I was in the shower earlier thinking "What can I wear with my new thrifted skirt that will be better than just a plain white tee?" And bam! I remembered this purple music note and keyboard shirt I have. Sadly, I had to cover up the cute keyboard to make the skirt look cutest, but I overall think this is a winning outfit.

I didn't get to wear it very long before having to change for work :(
So I'll probably be wearing it again next week!

And I saw a picture of Lucy where she stuck her camera in her mailbox. So today when I checked the mail, I thought I'd try it out!

i saw it on your keyboard

Post mail (Bills!!)

Momentary rainstorm. So I used my mail as an umbrella.

Shirt: Ross, one or two years ago. About 5 bucks
Skirt: Goodwill
Shoes: Wet Seal, last year. They're a little too big, but they're the only white shoes I have!

Thats all, I think I'm going to go to the thrift store on my way to work! Wish me happy thrifting :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Girl Props

Girl props has cheap and fun jewelry. This is my first time looking at it, so I don't know how amazing they are in real life. But they've been featured in tons of magazines. I'm putting in an order today, and look at some of the amazing things they have (Can you guess what I'm getting?)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How often do your dresses get out?

I just ran into this image from last June (ignore the fact that its in a public bathroom, kind of blurry, and kind of dark). I was wearing this gorgeous dress I have thats not super dressy, but isn't extremely casual either. Which makes it kind of difficult to wear on a regular basis. So, it hasn't been out of my closet since June of last year. Which is sad for the dress.

But it got me thinking....

I usually rotate my wardrobe so I don't wear the same thing twice in every 3-4 weeks. Sometimes I get excited about certain things and wear them a lot (new jeans, new skirt, etc) until I put them into the rotation system. Sometimes things fizzle out, some old things come back into being loved, and so on. But there are a lot of dresses I own that seem to have this same problem. I feel like they're only things you can wear to dinner for some reason. Which isn't true! Right?

What about you often do you repeat clothing items?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Vanessa Carlton in Mayle

I need this dress in my life. It inspires me to keep looking for the perfect floral dress!....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Red "go to" staple

I think dissecting my wardbobe is a fun thing to do. So, lets discuss my addiction to red shoes. I know I have another pair or two hiding somewhere in my room.... But, red shoes are perfect to me, because when you wear black or gray, what spices that up better than a great red shoe?

Some outfits with red shoes I've worn....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Forever 21 dreams...

One of the hardest things for me as a blogger is seeing all the lovely H&M and Forever 21 things all of my favorite bloggers have. I don't have either of those stores near me. The closest H&M is in Cali, and the closest Forever 21 is in Seattle (which is still a few hour drive from her). I have heard they may be making a Forever 21, which I really am hoping for because the last new store we got was Hollister, and really....Hollister is already in my mall in the form of American Eagle and Aeropostale. I don't really need another over-priced trend store.

That being said, I do love to look at the Forever 21 website....

This dress looks perfect to dress up or down. i can imagine wearing it with bright red/electric blue pumps and some delicate girly jewelry.

I can imagine tucking this into my high waisted skirt!

This lovely outfit has a blouse from Forever 21 and a H&M jumper. How amazing is this? and i adore the red touches as well...Check out her photostream here

These H&M high-waisted jeans? So perfect. Her photos here

Sigh...thats not even the half of it! There are so many gorgeous things on my favorite style blog, only Shallow that make me wish I was in Finland...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It's been nice enough lately that I don't need tights with my dresses. This led me to thinking of ways to experiment with my wardrobe. It's still chilly so I thought I'd give the long sleeve Tshirt and strapless dress look a try. I'm pleased with the results. I really like how bright this yellow is! I have a green long sleeved shirt I think would look cute with this dress as well.

Long sleeved Tshirt: Gap
Dress: JC Penny
Heels: thrift

My legs are so blindingly pale....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

High Waisted Skirt

So, I love the high waisted trend, but I have a hard time feeling confident. Today, however, I thought I rocked this look! Hopefully you agree ;) And yes, I'm standing in front of a drive through window (dont worry, this fast food joint is CLOSED!)

4-13-08 two


Cardigan: Gap, $29.99
White button-up: Mall store? I can't remember! $10ish
High Waisted Skirt: Ross, $9.99
Shoes: Payless little kids, $5

I told my friend the prices of these items and she told me that she likes to only buy dirt-cheap clearance. And here I though I was wearing these great deals! What are your impressions on prices of clothes? How much is too much?

Oh! and just for fun, what I wore yesterday

Top: Ross
Pants: Kohls
Shoes: Kohls

These are my favorite pants in the entire universe :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Plaid <3

Plaid seems to be everywhere this season, and I can't really complain....

L-R: Nordstrom, Whimsical Nerd, babyxiv, It Girl Rag Doll, Me in the dressing room (I bought this! You'll see more of in the future)

I particularly like when plaid is played down and looks more feminine rather than grunge.

What are your thoughts on the plaid trend?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sailor Dress

So, I hoped on the blog train. I couldn’t help it. I enjoy reading others so much; I thought I might as well have one, even if it might turn out pathetic. Plus, it is a good way to get me in the habit of writing something everyday, even if it is about fashion and things like that! Plus, I dream entries lately, and I don’t even have a blog. So, I’m sure I’ll have enough material for…a few days at least!

Might as well start with an outfit post, right?

Dress: I dont remember! :( I want 5 more.
Tights: Idk either
Shoes: payless, stole from mother :)
Owl bag: mall

This dress is actually pretty meaningful to me. When my boyfriend and I were still only friends, he told me about 4 times how great I looked in this dress. And he still is a big fan of the clothes I wear (usually, and I have a blog planned on something of the subject, just you wait!)..

Well, hope you lovelies enjoy and they’ll be plenty more soon!
